Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day177: “It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.” ― Anthony Robbins

Sun/Mon, 21/22 July 2013; 11:10pm
Kestopur, Kolkata, WB

Today I think about the 'importance of consistency'. I have been quite inconsistent on several fronts in (my) life, be it my academic performance, job performance, workouts (Going to Gym), and so on. Somehow I feel, I have paid heavy price (in Personal life and Professional life so far) due to lack of  consistency in doing things. When it comes to Blogging, I have been inconsistent here as well. 

Ever since I relocated to Kolkata 3 months ago, I didn't write consistently. Several factors like health issues, time with family, work commitments are there but the important one is the habit of procrastination. I had been waiting to write an article on my 2 months in Calcutta, my illness, experiences, learning, and the new people I met throughout this period. Days, Weeks and even a Month has passed but this article never happen. Well!, this is not the first time. Several times in life I have thought of a certain thing and have been putting off till tomorrow. This tomorrow becomes months and in some cases years gradually and sometimes doesn't materialize.  In short, PROCRASTINATION has again crept in.

I have lots of habits to improve upon, will take one at a time. Today, I PLEDGE TO IMPROVE UPON THE HABIT OF BEING CONSISTENT positively. I start by making a public commitment of writing on a daily basis from today onwards. I will give at-least 10 minutes to writing everyday. Yes, today I resume BLOGGING once again.

What you can take away from my Blog? Learning for the day:

As mentioned earlier, my blog is the story of an ordinary person who is striving to become extra-ordinary. This blog is all about his struggles, his ups and downs in life and how he scripts success. I will urge each one of you reading me today to be CONSISTENT in doing good things, be it reading, writing, exercising, doing noble activities and so on. Even if a work looks huge but done on a daily and more consistent basis make it happen quite easily. 

Here is what Jim Rohn has to say on the impotance of consistency:

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals."

Wishing you all a very Happy and Useful Week ahead. My dear friends, remember each day and each moment of life is utterly important and precious. Please do not waste it in doing meaningless acts. Always have 'constancy of purpose' and keep working towards achieving your goals. God Bless you all. Will be right here tomorrow.

Take Care. Good Night!!

Narendra Gupta.
22 July 2013; 12:10am

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