Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day37: "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." — Socrates

Thursday,22nd Nov 2012;10:20pm
Electronic City, Bangalore

Finally, M-70 Day14 happened (Day Code: M2W5D14)*. Though was feeling lethargic and quite reluctant to move out in the morning, I went to meet my Weekly target of a minimum of 3 days a week. This means coming Friday and Saturday, I will be working out. Sometimes I find it so hard to push for the Gym, feel why sacrifice your comfort, sleep ( Bringing to you once again, the fact that I am quite lazy and a person who puts-off things easily, at least for past few years I have known myself that way). So what externally I should do to motivate myself going to Gym in the morning?? I put forward this question to Mr. Google and like always got something interesting. Presenting to you henceforth:

Step 1

Prepare your workout items before going to bed the night before your early morning exercise regimen. Get your water bottle ready and fill your gym bag with any specialized equipment you may need. Lay your exercise clothing out on top of your dresser so you can get dressed quickly and easily when you awaken.

Step 2

Find an object or item of clothing -- that represents your fitness and weight loss goals. Lay the chosen item out in a prominent place in your bedroom, positioning it so you'll see it when you wake up in the morning. Or Simply write your work-out goal somewhere on the wall which you get to see when you get up early in the morning.

Step 3

Program your alarm clock so that it awakens you with an inspirational message that helps focus you on your fitness goals. If your alarm clock doesn't have a record option, check your cell phone, since many models allow you to pre-record a message for use as an alarm. Highlight a weight loss or fitness goal in your alarm message or just include an inspirational quote from your favorite workout video or book.

Step 4

Go to bed early the night before your morning workout. Draw your curtains or blinds or don a sleep mask to help darken your bedroom. Rearrange your schedule to ensure that you get seven to eight hours of sleep each night; not only does this increase your chances of awakening chipper and cheerful for your morning workout, but it also keeps your body from producing excessive amounts of diet-busting ghrelin, an appetite-boosting hormone fueled by lack of sleep.


On that note, I call it a day. Let me walk my talk now....... :)

Good Night, Sweet Dreams

* M2W5D14: 2nd Month 5th Week 14th Day

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