Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day77:Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed. -Cavett Robert

Wednesday, 02/03 Jan 2012; 12:45am
Electronic City, Bangalore

At the beginning of every Year, we make Resolutions towards Positive movement in life, and for a Positive change with the likes of Exercising everyday, Quitting on bad habits like Drinking and Smoking, Reading more books of interest, Spending more time with family and the list goes on. In the initial days people start with all energy and enthusiasm as if some unknown force is pushing them to surge ahead. However with the passage of a few days (not even months for most of them), that energy slowly starts dissipating away and the 'chalta hai' attitude starts creeping in. It happens with most of us, I am no different.

There is something about the New Year when the vim reflects in people and which inspires them to do new things for their betterment. Today (M-70: M4W11D24) I met a friend who was coming to Gym after a gap of 5 months, many more like him. Why did he wait for January to hit Gym again, something good and fresh about January and the New Year. Who, better can understand this than a procrastinator like me. The point I want to make is, its just about mindset, Everyday is a new day and Good work need not wait for Jan of an year to start. If you feel that you have been missing on something or want to acquire some skills, make resolutions at that particular time of realisation, be it February, May or December. Let me finish up my 'Guru-bani' now before it bores (you) enough, in fact this thought occurred to me when I was writing the resolutions and Goals for this year realizing that I had failed on most of my Goals. I was wondering if I would let die the momentum this year as well.

I felt sleepy throughout this first working day of 2013. I was feeling lazy and lethargic. The positive thing was that after a long gap, I went to Gym today and did cardio-vascular exercises for 40 minutes approx. I loved using my new diary for 2013.

Good Night Everyone!

Narendra Gupta

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