Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day98: Thou shouldst eat to live, not live to eat. ~Cicero, Rhetoricorum LV

Wednesday, 23 Jan 2013; 11:45pm
Electronic City, Bangalore

I took a day's rest from Workouts today. I was feeling lack of energy and lethargic through out the day and was most reluctant to do any work, thankfully there was network outage for 2 hours which I used to Chillax.

I leave two beautiful poems related to diet (which I found on internet, though could not trace the writer for credit...)

A Diet Poem

My soul is ripped with riot
incited by my wicked diet.
"We Are What We Eat," said a wise old man!
and, if that's true, I'm a garbage can.

I want to rise and feel good that's plain!
but at my present weight, I'll need a crane.
So grant me strength, that I may not fall
into the clutches of cholesterol.

May my flesh with carrot sticks be sated,
that my soul may be poly-unsaturated
And show me the light, that I may bear witness
to the President's Council on Physical Fitness.

And at oleomargarine I'll never mutter,
for the road to Plumpness is spread with butter.
And cream is cursed; and cake is awful;
and evil is hiding in every waffle.

Mephistopheles lurks in provolone;
the bane is in each slice of baloney,
Fat hides in a chocolate drop,
and sugar is in a lollipop.

Give me this day my daily slice
but, cut it thin and toast it twice.
I beg upon my dimpled knees,
deliver me from jujubees.

And when my days of trial are done,
and my war with malted milk is won,
Let me stand with the model throng,
In a shining robe--size 5-6 long.

I can do it friend, If you'll show to me,
the virtues of lettuce and celery.
If you'll teach me the evil of mayonnaise,
of pasta a la Milannaise
potatoes a la Lyonnaise
and crisp-fried chicken from the South.

--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
A Dieters Poem.... Dont quit!


When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down,
And you feel like the biggest failure in town.
When you want to give up just because you gave in,
And forgot all about being healthy and thin.
So what! you went over your allowance a bit.
It's your next move that counts....SO DON'T YOU QUIT!

It's a moment of truth, it's attitude and change.
It's learning the skills to get back in your range.
It's telling yourself 'you've done great up till' now',
You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow.

It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.
You're still gonna' make it, just stay in control.
To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,
If you summon the will to get back in the race.
But often the struggler's, when losing their grip,
Just throw in the towel and continue to slip...


Hope you liked it. Calling it a day.

Good Night Everyone!!

Narendra Gupta

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